Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fitness does not mean losing weight Research Paper

Fitness does not mean losing weight - Research Paper Example that the advertisements have now turned into deceiving the people that when people lose weight, they have now become physically fit but this is not necessarily the case. The sports-oriented companies such as Nike and Addidas have released research about how people are now purchasing sporting apparel like sports shoes and workout clothes not for the purpose of exercising but purely for aesthetical purposes. Sporting apparel has now become a fashionable trend but for some â€Å"strange† reason, people are not using the clothes and shoes to exercise but rather to just appear to be physically fit through exercising. This has therefore led to these companies not focusing on making sporting shoes that are fit for athletes but rather just make sports shoes that are appealing to the customer (Warner, 2005). They are just regular shoes made in the liking of sports shoes and hence have no special features that can assist in any athletics prowess. The advertisements of the sporting companies have therefore stopped focusing much on athletes like it used to in the past with numerous endorsements of different caliber of athletes from runner to basket ballers as a way to encourage people to purchase the correct type of shoes to engage in physical activities of these celebrity athletes. Nowadays, their advertisements are moving with the trend and hence show people in sporting gear that are not athletic in any way but who are slimmer and hence appear to have lost weight through engaging in different forms of physical exercises. The most common form of physical exercise that can be seen in advertisements of how people are gaining the body image desired which is being slimmer is by doing yoga. Much of these â€Å"getting fit† advertisements are also focusing on dieting. They sell different diets to people that involve eating small helpings of food, taking in lots of water and eating basically salad and nothing else. The end result is of these individuals that were considered to be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Workbook Diseases of the Human Body Essay Example for Free

Workbook Diseases of the Human Body Essay Assignment: For each scenario that follows, explain how and why you would schedule an appointment or suggest a referral based on the patient’s reported symptoms. Be sure to first review the â€Å"Guidelines for Patient-Screening Exercises† found on page iii in the Introduction section of your Workbook. A male patient calls for an appointment. He reports experiencing the sudden onset of excessive thirst and urination. He says that he is thirsty all the time and cannot seem to get enough to drink. How do you respond to this phone call? This patient suffering from a sudden urge to drink fluids as well as excessive urination is a sign of polydipsia. What polydipsia means is excessive thirst and a way one may have this condition is to have diabetes mellitus, which means there is an excessive amount of glucose in a persons blood which travels in the bloodstream and increases the symptoms that this patient is experiences (Polydipsia, 2008). In this case, the patient needs to be seen right away to be evaluated by their physician. A female patient calls the office and says she thinks she has swelling in her neck and is beginning to experience difficulty swallowing. How do you respond to this phone call? When the female patient called, she was on the phone talking about her neck swelling and how it was difficult to swallow things. In this case, I would schedule an appointment for a physical because she may be suffering from simple goiter which means her thyroid glands are enlarged and I would advise her not to worry because it wont be cancerous but her medical history should be reviewed and see if there is any reason for this to be happening or if it just came out of no where (Dugdale, 2012). An individual calls the office stating he is experiencing periods of rapid heartbeat and palpitations, insomnia, nervousness, and excitability. He states that despite excessive appetite and food ingestion, he is losing weight. How do you respond to this call? I would listen to what the patient has to say and after noting the symptoms suggest he may have hypoglycemia. What this basically means is low blood sugar also known as insulin shock and his blood sugar may be below 70 mg and in some cases it can be very deadly so I would tell him to go to the emergency room immediately and have his blood sugars taken care of before serious harm will happen (A.D.A.M., 2012). A woman calls the office stating that her husband, who has been diagnosed with diabetes, is experiencing excessive thirst, nausea, drowsiness, and abdominal pain. She just noticed a fruity odor on his breath. She wants to know what to do. How do you respond to this call? I would listen to the womans explanations of what her husband is going through and suggest that he may be going through something known as ketoacidosis. The reason ketoacidosis gives a fruity odor off is because the body is trying to get rid of excess acetone in the breath. This can be a very life threatening issue and I would advise going to the emergency room as soon as possible (Medline Plus, 2010). A patient calls the office saying she has started experiencing weight loss, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, and frequent urination. She also tells you her mother and aunt have diabetes. She says she just does not feel right. How do you respond to this call? With the way this woman was explaining her problems describes diabetes mellitus because if ones blood sugars are high it can cause everything that this woman is experiencing and I would advise her to see a physician promptly for and evaluation and to make sure her levels are not too elevated (Wikipedia, 2012). Sources: A.D.A.M. (2012). Pubmed health. Retrieved from Dugdale, D. (2012, June 4). Pubmed health. Retrieved from Medline Plus. (2010, Feburary 22). Breath odor causes and considerations. Retrieved from Polydipsia. (2008). Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2012, August 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Vibration on Curing and Strength of Concrete

Impact of Vibration on Curing and Strength of Concrete Scope Research Need: During its setting process, fresh concrete transforms from a flowable state, via a plastic state, to a final solid state that includes a large number of crystalline domains formed by ionically and covalently bonded atoms. Early-age concrete thus is vulnerable to vibration damages if the formations of the chemical bonds and crystalline domains are negatively affected, leading to reduced early and ultimate strength. Vibrations could come from a variety of sources, such as passing-by trucks, nearby vibratory soil compactors, and blasting or seismic impulses. As demanded by the fast construction paces today, such vibrations often occur adjacent to newly placed concrete, such as when a soil compactor is used during the placement of concrete for bridge foundations or roadway slabs. Being a pervasive issue that is related to construction speed and structural integrity, weakening of concrete by adjacent vibrations cost stakeholders millions of dollars annually. This issue is b ecoming more imperative recently, owing to factors such as new design concepts and changes in equipment and construction methods. In the current state of knowledge, however, there has been a surprising scarcity of assembled information on the subject of vibration impact on concrete curing and strength. There exists a large number of different stipulations regarding the nearest allowable locations for vibratory construction and earliest allowable time for vibratory construction that are currently practiced by the different transportation agencies across the country, mainly the State Departments of Transportation. For example, the earliest allowable time for vibratory construction ranges from a few hours to a week or so. The existing stipulations appear to build on different principles, including laboratory experiments, field observations, numerical simulation, and most commonly the borrowing from peer practitioners or close engineering and science fields, which are far from systemati c. Work of synthesis on the subject thus is needed to identify, describe, and evaluate the current state of knowledge and practices to benefit the construction of bridge decks, pavement slabs, and overlays. State of Knowledge: It is generally believed that concrete is most vulnerable to vibrations between the initial and final setting times due to the negative effects of vibration on the bond formations in this critical hydration phase. The setting time of concrete refers to the time required for cement paste to stiffen to a defined consistency, which is closely related to the initial chemical reaction of calcium aluminates of the cement with sulfates within the first few hours after cement-water contact. The initial setting time of concrete measures the time as cement paste starts to lose plasticity, and a minimum value is required to ensure the completion of transportation, placement and compaction of concrete. The final setting time of concrete records the time at which cement paste loses its entire plasticity, hardens sufficiently, and attain the cast shape at mold removal. At normal construction temperature, the initial setting time of concrete could come as early as 60 90 minutes and the final setting time could be as late as eight to ten hours. Current practices use two empirical methods, i.e., the Vicat Needle (AASHTO T 131 or ASTM C 191) and the Gillmore Needles (AASHTO T 154 or ASTM C 266) for determining the initial and final setting time. The strength of concrete can be reduced by vibration beyond its final setting time. It was reported that two-day concrete could lose as much as 9.1% of its 28-day compressive strength under continuous vibration from heavy highway traffic, while the loss of the 28-day compressive strength for 14-day concrete was within 3%. Realizing this post-setting phenomenon, stakeholders have specified conservative time limits before vibrational constructions near freshly cast concrete. As an example, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is considering to reduce such required curing time from seven days to five days, to enable more rapid construction while still giving sufficient time for concrete to obtain the design strength. If adopted, this modification undoubtedly will mean huge cost savings and convenience to the public. In addition, vibration seems to have different impacts on different properties of concrete. The same level of vibration can change the compressive strength of concrete by up to 13%, while reduces the tensile strength of concrete by 7%. Based on a study of vibration from highway traffic, the amplitude of vibration seems to be a more important factor than the frequency in causing damage. While a vibration of two Hz and three mm amplitude and a vibration of four Hz and three mm amplitude cause significant reduction in ultimate strength of concrete, the vibration had a negligible strength reduction at a one mm amplitude. To conclude, a synthesis work is needed to collect and evaluate the current state of knowledge and practices regarding the complex dependence of concrete quality and strength on the nearby vibrations. This work will be useful in the designing of both new and repairing projects, for more accurately determining the time needed before the start of nearby constructions and the allowable intensity and nearness of the vibratory sources. Information Sources ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (2015). American Concrete Institute. 2015. Research Results Digest 392. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). Jan. 2015. Taylor, P. C., Kosmatka, S. H., Voigt, G. F. (2006). Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual (No. FHWA HIF-07-004). Federal Highway Administration. 2006. NCHRP Report 253. Dynamic Effects of Pile Installations on Adjacent Structures (1997). National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). 1997.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wind Power as an Alternative Energy Source Essay -- Energy Power Globa

Wind Power as an Alternate Energy Source Graphics not Included ABSTRACT The United States' main source of energy is currently fossil fuels. However, we know that fossil fuel supply continues to deplete and sooner or later, the United States will need to resort to a new source of energy. This report hopes to explore the advantages and disadvantages of wind power using model regions. These regions have experience in using wind power, which may help us determine whether or not it is a suitable source of energy when fossil fuels are completely drained. From examining Denmark and other places benefiting from this clean and unlimited source of wind power, we believe that the United States possesses enough wind, money, and other resources to use wind power as a main future source of energy. INTRODUCTION Wind is air with kinetic energy. It is formed at different positions on the Earth's surface. Warm air heated up by the sun expands and rises while cool air moves in to take its place creating winds. Wind is a renewable energy, which is means that as long as the sun is still shining, wind will remain. The use of windmills to slow down the speed of wind can generate electricity. The wind flowing through the blade causes lift; which in turn, makes the blades rotate. These blades are attached to a drive shaft, which is connected to an electric generator that creates electricity. See figure 1. QuickTime? and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Fig 1(Wind Energy-Energy from Moving Air, 2005) Scientists say that there are many possible sites for windmills and that 37 states are capable of generating electricity through wind power (Wind Energy?Energy from Moving Air, 2005). An average wi... ...nergyfacts/sources/renewable/wind.html Willis, Bill (2002) Wind Power. WCS Science, retrieved August 1, 2005, from DeLespinasse, Paul F. (January 2004) How Many Windmills Would $87 Billion Buy? Common Dreams NewsCenter, retrieved August 1, 2005, from (no author) (no date) Food, Land, Population, and the U.S. Economy. CARRYING CAPACITY NETWORK, retrieved August 1, 2005, from (no author) (June 2005) North Dakota Wind Energy Development. American Wind Energy Association, retrieved August 2, 2005, from Akselsson, Mattias. (September 2004) The World's Leader in Wind Power. Scandinavica, retrieved August 2, 2005, from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Awareness of an Organic Food Essay

I. Introduction A. What is awareness of an organic food? 1. How curious are consumers toward buying an organic food? 2. Are organic foods providing more than health benefits for consumer and environment? 3. What are the reasons for choosing an organic food throughout our daily life? B. Understanding the awareness of consuming an organic food. II. What is an organic food? A. Organic foods are considered to be more nutrient dense than their counterparts produced via modern farming practices. B. The word an organic is a labeling term that denotes products produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. C. The definition shades the meaning most people associate with the term, such as the use of non-chemical fertilizers and pesticides as the food is being grown. III. How curious are consumers toward buying an organic food? A. The fastest growing segment of U. S. agriculture. B. A physician and researcher; Dr. David Thomas, studied and compared the United States government guidelines and tables for the nutritional content of various foods. C. Data shows that the decision to shop an organic food. D. What you eat builds and maintains your body. IV. Are organic foods providing more than health benefits for consumer and environment? A. Eating an organic food will provide vital foundations for health. B. How they are farmed. 1. Levels of certain nutrients in relation to the commercially available counterparts produced via modern farming practices. C. Conventional agricultural methods can cause water contamination. V. What are the reasons for choosing an organic food throughout our daily life? A. Effect on health. 1. You are what you eat a. Eat an apple, and you eat life: vitamins, minerals, water, and more. Eat pesticide residue, and you fill your body with poisons 2. Food is your best medicine a. Choose foods that are known to bring us health, energy, and peace of mind 3. Pay now or pay later a. Pay now for delicious, healing food or pay later for medical bills, illness, and suffering 4. We prefer life over death a. Choose which will bring us greatest energy, happiness, and health b. Not choose which will bring us fatigue, depression or anxiety, ailments, illnesses, diseases, or death. 5. Earth needs your help a. Every choice we make has an impact on environment b. Your choices make a difference 6. Healthy plants mean healthier soil, water, birds, worms, animals, plants, air, and you a. The natural path honors nature and works in harmony with earth as we achieve harmonious health VI. Conclusions A. Not cost effective considering the damage to health. B. There are choices in our own hand whether to choose an organic food or a conventional food as we consuming and taste it by ourselves. REFERENCES Havey, H. (February 16, 2009). Top Six Reasons To Eat Only Organic Fruits And Vegetables. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from http://www. naturalnews. com/025643_food_organic_health. html Minton, B. L. (February 10, 2009). Buying Organic Is Well Worth The Cost Even When Times Are Tough. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from http://www. naturalnews. com/025570_food_organic_health. html Walters, S. (May 15, 2009). Organic Foods Provide More Than Health Benefits. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from http://www. naturalnews. com/026266_food_organic_health. html.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical aspects of closing probate deals

Chapter 11Making the Offer. Once you have contacted the executor, you must hold an action program of what needs to be done and how. This is one of the critical facets of shutting probate trades. You have to do an offer that will give you a fine-looking return and ideally this must be the lowest possible offer. Some executors are unfastened to a low monetary value from the beginning. Some executors are unrealistic and tend to believe that the belongings is deserving much more than the FMV and when you encounter such a state of affairs, you need to make a just outlook puting with the householder. Give him grounds, show him the logic and explicate to him why his belongings value is lesser than what he expects.Stairss TO FOLLOW WHILE NEGOTIATINGHere are a few stairss that will assist you negociate a trade with the executor rapidly and swimmingly. As you would make for any meeting, you need to fix for your meeting with the executor excessively. Compile and reexamine your research and other notes. Carry these along for easy mention during your meeting with the executor. Ensure that you are cognizant of the FMV of the belongings you are traveling to negociate for. It besides helps to hold the comparables ready to hand merely in instance you need to demo it to the executor to warrant your monetary value. Have a pen and paper to take notes on your review of the belongings. Transport a torch which comes in ready to hand while inspecting topographic points where the sunshine does non make. Some probate houses might hold the electricity supply switched off. You should do a torch and a clean contract lasting fixtures within your auto. Bing prepared will give your run intoing a professional touch and the executor will recognize that you are here with a serious purpose of purchasing the belongings, non to blow his clip.STEP TWOOnce you are at the belongings, inform the executor that you would wish to transport out a thorough review of the belongings. Inquire with him if he would be interested in following you on the review circuit. It is a good thought to hold the executor by your side when you start with your review. About all executors are incognizant of the different fix occupations that will necessitate to be done. This is an advantage for you because as you progress with your review, you will be pulling his attending to the many fix occupations the house needs therefore take downing his outlooks with every defect you point out. Merely for mention, inquire the executor his estimation of the cost for acquiring these betterments done. Most executors are incognizant of the fix costs although they may hold limited cognition of woodworking and other minor hole up occupations. You ‘ll be cheerily surprised as many householders will state you an estimation that is higher than yours. If you are accosted with a belongings in hapless status and are unable to gauge the fix costs involved, you can ever mention it to a contractor or a place inspector before you purchase it. If the estimation provided by them is higher than yours, you have the option of endorsing out of the contract without any legal complications. I will discourse this in greater inside informations in the undermentioned chapter. Never forget, the executor wants to dispose this belongings at the earliest to cast a burden off his shoulder. He would be more than happy to offer you a stone underside monetary value if you point out that the house needs a batch of fixs. Refrain from throwing an offer at the executor boulder clay you have completed your Refrain from throwing an offer at the executor boulder clay you have completed your review. Most executors will non near this topic boulder clay you are prepared to inform them. If an executor tries to brawl an offer, inform him that before you extend an offer, you would necessitate to inspect the belongings to convey it to marketable status. It is a good thought to hold the executor by your side when you start with your review. Do n't trust on your memory. It is a good thought to observing things down on a piece of paper. Take plentifulness of cryptic notes. Make the semblance for the householder that a batch of things are non right by doing voluminous notes. In a probate belongings, since the householders have non maintained the belongings good, there will be enough of things you will happen when inspecting the belongings. You can take to do notes on the fix occupations needed in each room. Inspect the full house, and every clip you see an expensive occupation that needs to be done reference that tactfully to the executor. By making this, you are allowing the executor know that you will hold to pass a good sum of money in priming the house and this will accordingly take down the executors outlook of a high monetary value. Note down of import points of all such countries as you proceed with your review. Ninety per centum of probate houses need decorative and kitchen fixs. Normally I ever make it a point to state the executor that in add-on to all the fix occupations, at the really minimal, the kitchen and bathrooms will hold to remake, the house needs a pigment occupation and the rug has to be changed before the belongings can be listed for a sale. These things, although the executor thinks are really expensive, can be completed for a minor cost. After you ‘ve listed down and told the executor about the basic betterments that are needed, you will hold to gauge, a moderately high figure, of the cost for acquiring these occupations completed. It is a good thought to round off estimations to the highest five 1000 dollar grade. For illustration, if I estimate a belongings needs fix occupations deserving twelve thousand dollars, I will round it up to fifteen thousand dollars. Merely for mention, inquire the executor his estimation of the cost for acquiring these betterments done. You ‘ll be cheerily surprised as many executors will state you an estimation that is higher than yours. If this be the instance, you should instantly hold to the executors generous estimation. On the other manus, many executors will state you they have no thought and will bank on you to give them an estimation. Once you ‘ve told them your hyperbolic sum, they will hold however because your attack has portrayed you as an experient investor. With this done, you ‘ve got the executor into believing about all the betterments needed to acquire the belongings into premier status. All these old ages, he might non hold noticed these uneven terminals and now will be believing about the money needed to hold the fix work completed. This will automatically take down his outlooks of the value of the belongings and he would be willing to settle for your offer. You are now ready to near the following measure.STEP THREEMost executors I know do n't truly do a full graduated table effort in researching the just market value of the probate house. They might merely name the existent estate agent one time or mention to the revenue enhancement assessed value of the house. You ‘ll be surprised to observe how frequently you come across such state of affairss. This nevertheless, is a distinguishable advantage for you. Get an estimation of the just market value of the belongings from the executor. If the sum is lower than the just market value, accept it. On the other manus, if his estimation is higher than the just market value, you must put the right outlooks. Inform him that the belongings could hold been tantamount to its just market value were it in premier status. Show him the research you have carried out with your existent estate agent and the comparables that point to the fact that the just market value is so lower than what his estimation is. Be polite and at the same clip drive your point across. To turn out your point, you could demo him the comparables that were sold late. Showing comparables is frequently a trade determiner and most executors will accept your offer based on the comparables. Refrain from doing extra remarks on the value of the belongings unless the executor approaches the topic. Let him recognize that his belongings ‘s value is lower than his outlooks.STEP FOURNow is the clip to state the executor that you are an investor. As an investor, your purpose is to purchase the belongings, titivate it up and so sell it every bit rapidly as possible. As you have told him that you are an investor, the executor knows that you will be selling the belongings for a net income. By making this you are subtly inquiring him to see giving you a antic price reduction on the belongings. After this, you are ready to continue to the following measure.STEP FIVEEqually far as possible, chorus from doing the offer foremost unless perfectly necessary. If you can pull out an offer from the executor, it may good be possible that he will offer you a monetary value that is lower than yours. Inquire how much money he needs for the belongings. Never ask him what he wants – wants and demands are different. Keep back for his response. Till now, he knows that the just market value is much lesser than his estimation plus the fact that a just sum of fix work has to be done to acquire the belongings to marketable status. Above all this, he is besides cognizant that you need to do a net income from this trade. His reply might merely surprise you, and cheerily so! If the executor is unable to judge the just monetary value, this is the right clip to put your offer. Make non travel rapidly into doing an offer. Take your clip, contemplate the cost constituents we learnt in chapter 10, calculate the possible net income and so widen your offer. If you are unable to make that instantly, inform the executor that you will necessitate twenty four hours to reexamine your notes and the fix costs before you can do an offer. When you have arrived at a figure, give it directly to the executor. Inform him that after a thorough reappraisal of the Numberss, you will be paying ten dollars for the probate belongings. Once your offer is out, give the executor some clip to contemplate upon your offer. It is non unusual for several yearss to go through by before you receive a response from the executor. All you can make till the clip you hear from the executor is be patient and delay.WHAT IF THE EXECUTOR PROPOSES A COUNTER OfferMost of the times you will happen the executor has accepted your offer and is willing to subscribe a contract with you. In the following chapter I will learn you to outline existent estate contracts that safeguard your involvements. However, how do you undertake a state of affairs where an executor proposes a counter offer. It is non unusual for a counter offer to be proposed and you must be prepared for such an contingency. In this state of affairs, inquire from the executor as to what monetary value is he comfy with. If his demand seems sensible, you may wish to raise your offer incrementally. Remember ne'er to transcend 65 % of the just market value of the belongings. If the belongings requires major fixs in add-on to merely picture and rug, you should subtract these costs from the value arrived at by ciphering 65 % of the just market value pf the belongings.WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ARE N'T ABLE TO NEGOTIATE A CHEAP PRICEIf you ‘ve reached this phase, there is a just opportunity that you will set down yourself a antic trade. For whatever grounds, the executor and you have non been able to hold upon the lowest reciprocally acceptable monetary value, thank the executor and travel on to the following moneymaking chance. Should this occur, inform him to reach you if he is non able to sell the belongings in the hereafter. This gives him an unfastened door for him to make you and it works as most executors tend to name back after they have thought about your offer. Many times you will come within striking distance of shuting a trade but when you ca n't look to acquire a low monetary value, be prepared to drop the trade. Never pay more than what a belongings is deserving. There are plentifulness of good trades to bag. Knowing when an how to walk off is a important portion of puting and this gives you the ability to cover from a place of strength. Acerate leaf to state, this should be done as smoothly and tactfully as possible. Remember, when you let travel of one trade, there is ever another great trade you can happen.